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Education Beyond the Show Floor

Check out all that is included in the Molding 2021 conference program! You can view all sessions on the Online Directory.

Tuesday, September 21

8:00am  -   8:45am                        Conference Area Open; Breakfast sponsored by Mantle

8:45am  -   9:00am                        Opening Remarks - Conference Co-Chairs, Matt Naitove & Tony Deligio, Plastics

                                                       Technology Magazine

9:00am -   12:30pm                   Molding General Session: Green Molding is Here; sponsored by Beaumont

12:30pm  - 1:30pm                        Lunch Break; sponsored by Moretto USA


1:30pm  -   5:30pm                       Breakout Sessions

5:30pm - 7:00pm                       Opening Reception; sponsored by Riverdale Global

Wednesday, September 22

8:00am  -   9:00am                        Conference Area Open; Breakfast sponsored by Canon Virginia

9:00am - 12:30pm                     Molding General Session: Are You Ready for Digital Manufacturing?; sponsored by Beaumont

12:30pm  - 1:30pm                        Lunch Break; sponsored by Oerlikon HRSflow USA

1:30pm - 4:30pm                       Breakout Sessions

5:00pm - 5:30pm                           Hot Shots & Leadtime Leader Awards Ceremony

5:30pm - 7:00pm                           "Lights Out" VIP Networking Reception

Thursday, September 23

8:00am  -   8:30am                        Conference Area Open; Breakfast sponsored by Incoe Corporation


8:30am - 12:30pm                     Molding General Session: Tooling & Cooling; sponsored by Beaumont


12:30pm                                      Conference Concludes

We encourage you to create a My Show Planner to allow you to save sessions, exhibitors, etc. that you want to see at the event. Don't miss this year's top-flight agenda of practical tips, best practices, news and trends in plastic injection molding.


View the dynamic topics, speakers, and presentations that make up this year's Molding Conference agenda. 


We offer several networking opportunities including an off-site opening reception and grand reception on the show floor.


Your full conference pass, gives you access to Extrusion and Recycling sessions. Learn more about these other conference programs.

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